something new and far better
Organizational Psychology
Diversity management
South Africa is engaging in an open market system, where competition is fierce and where only those companies that are in a constant state of change and that are able to adapt and grow in this volatile environment, will survive. This makes managing diversity of vital importance in order to tap into the pool of diverse human-resources that South Africa possesses. Diversity management gives us the tools to go beyond just being: Affric-centric, or Asian-centric, or Euro-centric towards something new and far better.
Creating a motivational environment
Staying motivated is not an easy task in a stressful environment with pressures and disappointments surrounding us daily. Yet creating a motivating environment is of huge benefit to the wellbeing, growth and productivity of the organisation, teams and individuals. It starts off by understanding that motivation is an intrinsic attribute, unique to each person, yet with predictable principles. In this training session we will look at the Content, Trait, Process and Reinforcement theories and how we can apply these practically in our work environments.
Emotionally intelligent relationships
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) training will provide you with the opportunity to understand your own emotions and those of others, and how these influence our motivation, behaviour and performance in the workplace. Emotional awareness enables participants to gain awareness and personal growth. The development of EQ has been found to improve communication, enable conflict resolution and strengthen resilience. Participants will have the opportunity to manage their emotions and acquire skills of self-awareness, self-expression and this will facilitate improved team relationships.
Building high performance teams
High performance teams are motivated, have a healthy competitive spirit and are able to align themselves with organizational values and goals. Building high performance teams assesses team effectiveness through identifying each team member’s unique contributions and strengths. Team performance is further facilitated by generating a team orientation, with a team charter. The training provides the opportunity to provide individual and team members feedback. Also, to identify interpersonal skills, team interaction, team resources and support. The understanding of team dynamics and interpersonal styles and relationships enable team members to identify behaviour within a team that will move the team towards their goals.
Communication & assertiveness skills
Communication & assertiveness skills are essential for building good work relationships and the success of your organisation. Effective communication involves getting the right message across to ensure mutual understanding. The training outlines the need to have clarity in your goals of communication, effective planning in communication and to facilitate interactive feedback. Communication skills include empathic listening and ensuring that your messages that are clear, concise and understandable. This is central to the skill of assertiveness, where you are able to communicate your needs to others in difficult situations, while still considering others rights and needs. Communication and assertiveness skills can be learnt with practice that will build your confidence. The training will outline how these skills are central to building relationships, accomplishing tasks and solving problems.
Problem solving skills
Learning problem solving skills will assist you to understand ways of reasoning to creatively produce solutions to problems. Important skills such as gathering, organizing and analyzing information contribute to a better understanding of the problem. Participants will have the opportunity to understand and practice the problem solving process. This includes learning the skills of risk analysis, observation and decision-making. The solution-focused outcomes will increase your confidence and contribute to more efficient workplace processes.
Stress reduction
Stress at home and at work can result in a number of stress exhaustion symptoms. This is as a result of the demands we have from different areas of our lives – relationships, work or financial. Dealing with stress requires a commitment to taking charge of your life and feeling more in control. The stress management training helps you to understand stress and helps you to identify your personal reaction to stress and your stress triggers. The training aims to outline ways of managing stress, that includes your cognitive, emotional, behavioural and interpersonal coping strategies.
Anger management
Anger is a normal, natural and healthy emotion. It usually emerges when we feel threatened. The expression of anger may result in destructive relationships. However, anger is there to protect and motivate us to solve problems. The training aims to provide a greater understanding of anger and how we can use anger, through appropriate expression to improve relationships and problem solving. The training provides the opportunity to identify the skills of empathy, self-control, assertiveness, communications skills and goal setting.
Transform leadership & manage change
Transformational leadership addresses a fundamental change in the way that leaders view the world. The world and the workplace are constantly changing and producing new unique demands. Transformational leaders become role models for inspiration. They are able to challenge, motivate and inspire teams. The training provides the opportunity to develop leadership qualities and skills that will facilitate and sustain change. Here the leaders attitude and behavior change aims to articulate a vision for change. Team members identify with this vision and it is transformed into a common goal. The training aims to develop more creative and effective leaders that enable improved employee engagement and performance.
Synergy at work
Working together in harmony gives far better results that when working separately. Synergy is the optimization of your lives and teams. Synergy training identifies ways to energize your participants and teams and to also facilitate personal change through identifying personal goals and action plans. The training aims to enable you to identify your own strengths and team’s potential. Synergy training includes self-awareness skills, employee engagement and motivation, and encouraging a positive work environment.